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What health funds reset December 31?

There are many health funds that expire on December 31, below are some of the larger health funds and a list of smaller health funds.

Please check with your health fund before booking your appointment to ensure that you have available extras limits.

ACA Health Benefits Fund | Australian Unity Health | Bupa | CBHS | CUA Health | ES Health | Frank Health Insurance | GMF Health | GMHBA Health | GU Health | HBF | HCF | Health Care Insurance Limited (HCI)| Health Partners | | HIF | Latrobe Health Services | Medibank | MyOwn Health | nib Health Funds | Nurses & Midwives Health | Phoenix Health | Police Health | RT Health | Reserve Bank Health Society (RBHS) | St. Lukes Health | Teachers Federation | Teachers Union Health | The Doctors’ Health Fund | Transport Health | Westfund Health Insurance | Budget Direct | AAMI