According to the Australian Dental Association, 1 in 3 children have experienced decay in their baby teeth by the age of five. Making time for your children’s oral health is important to help prevent gum disease and dental cavities in future.
A common misconception about high dental costs can mean some people avoid taking their children to the dentist. To release some of the pressure on families and help ensure that dental care for young people is more accessible, the Federal Government has continued its dental scheme for kids in 2022. The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) provides a $1026 benefit to use on selected dental services over a 2 calendar year period. This benefit, if your kids are eligible, covers services like examinations, x-rays, dental cleans, fissure sealing, fillings, root canals and extractions.
Benefits are not available for orthodontic or cosmetic dental work and cannot be paid for any services provided in a hospital.
Many people still don’t know about the CDBS and what it can mean for their family. Make sure you don’t miss out on $1026 in free* dental care for your kids!
What is the eligibility criteria?
To be eligible for CDBS a child must be aged between 2-17 years and their family must receive Family Tax Benefit Part A or a relevant Australian Government payment. Your child must also be eligible for Medicare.
It is simple to check whether your child is eligible – you can:
It only takes two minutes to book an appointment to help prevent major dental issues and painful emergencies. Book online today.
*Free when services covered by the Commonwealth Government’s Child Dental Benefits Schedule are bulk billed by participating Practitioners for treatments provided to eligible patients.
*Source: Australian Dental Association,